Saturday, October 10, 2020

5 master shots


The first edit is a contrast shot, a contrast shot includes two differing shots to make a difference between them more obvious. In this shot Michael is sleeping while on the other hand I am all energetic from drinking a soda.

The second edit is a parallelism shot this technique brings two different techniques together by identifying their similarities and differences between the 2. In this shot I am running and being compared to a lion running after its prey 

The third edit is symbolism,  a symbolism shot moves from one scene to the next where there is a symbolic connection between the shots. In this shot the main focus is the toilet paper and when Michael discovers it in his cupboard it cuts to the me grabbing a toilet paper.

    The fourth edit is simultaneity, simultaneity editing technique uses two scenes that occurs at the same exact time or around the same time period. Normally, simultaneity is use to build suspense towards the audience. In this shot I am knocking on the door at the same time Michael is inside reacting to the knocks and suspense is built not revealing who is truly at risk.

    The fifth edit is Leitmotif ,  A leitmotif shot includes a recurring theme, where in this case the theme was a repeated clip.  In this shot Michael is doing bad things but he keeps having the reoccurring clip of me saying no popping into his head and realizing what he is about to do is bad.

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